People have asked throughout this first year how has it been going. We usually answer with an anecdote about lost checks, crashed PCs, middle seat plane travel, big and small opportunities, etc. In retrospect it should be with gratitude to those who have believed in us, without them we would not have made it this far.
With that in mind we owe some special thanks to:
- Todd Stanton at Stanton Law LLC for his down to earth way of dealing with all things legal;
- John Gibson and NN Inc. for our very first project (if Mark had another child to name, it would be Gibson);
- Our friends at HDH Advisors for use of office space, referrals, and friendships (thanks Chad, Jonathan(s), and Kyle);
- Our accountant Stuart Jackson at The Jackson Group for educating us on the stuff we thought we knew but did not and the changes in 2018 expense rules (bummer); and,
- ALL of our new customers, clients, referral partners, contacts, and friends for taking a moment to listen, build trust and understanding, and having faith in us.
Most importantly thank you to our wonderful wives, Katie Crites and Cindy Stemple, inquisitive children who ask the best questions, very supportive extended families, and personal friends who have all had great advice and been tremendous sounding boards. Even though we would consider the first year a success, it is each of you that make us truly successful and blessed by any measure.
Thank you and Best Regards,
Mark and Jeff
P.S. Thanks also to employee no. 1 of StempleCrites, Summer Intern and ‘Bama fan, Jon-Alec Parker, for teaching us a thing or two.