We understand that no two clients or projects are alike, so we will work with you to tailor all aspects of an engagement: scope, methodology, timing, budget, etc., to meet your business needs.
Some of the Benefits of Working with StempleCrites are as Follows:
Whether you are the client in the form of a risk manager of a business, the broker and property placement specialist submitting the risk to the market, or the carrier underwriting the risk, we will work with you to make sure your “individual” business team has the values and associated data it needs to make all the best business decisions.
So, when it comes to the submission, the SOV is critical as it is the foundation of the placement. That is because in our data driven world; your buying, the decision for a market to participate, the rate developed, the ability to manage cost, relies on what story the SOV tells.
This story is accomplished by developing and supporting long term consistency in appropriate reporting and valuation methodology, transparency to the process, clear and understandable values, and data which supports the goal of risk mitigation. StempleCrites can help you along this path.
Some specific ways we help specific members of the business team:
Broker / Property Advisory / Agency
Brokers are often looking to manage risk for their clients by accurately assessing the reported insurable values. A valuation can identify the appropriate assets to be insured and then establish the values for calculating insurance premiums and calculating loss limits.
As part of our valuation consulting services, our highly qualified valuation professionals with significant experience in valuations across industries and geographies, will provide an accurate and supportable valuation of fixed assets. Furthermore, you will get:
Key Assistance to Brokers:
Carrier / Underwriter
Valuations produced by StempleCrites can provide a level of confidence to aid in the correct premiums being established.
As part of our valuation consulting services, our highly qualified valuation professionals with significant experience in valuations across industries and geographies, will provide an accurate and supportable valuation of fixed assets.
Key Assistance:
Whether it is strategic planning, capital investments, mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, or tax accounting, accurate valuations are a necessity to C-level officers. StempleCrites can assist with valuations for financial, tax, and/or business planning purposes.
As part of our valuation services, our highly qualified valuation professionals with significant experience fixed assets.
Key Assistance:
Valuations produced by StempleCrites can provide a level of confidence in the values being established. As part of our valuation consulting services, our highly qualified valuation professionals with significant experience in valuations across industries and geographies, will provide an accurate and supportable valuation of fixed assets.
Key Assistance:
Initial conversations and reviews are imperative to understanding the circumstances affecting your business.
Step 1: Best Practices
Create valuation expert vetted Standard Operation Procedures to determine or update values. This is done through a review of the valuation process history, focusing on the 20/80 rule, loss scenarios, crucial locations, long lead time assets, recent acquisitions, and benchmarking data.
Step 2: Implementation
Work toward a balance of risk tolerance, valuation effort, and underwriting data needs in a measured way. This will address the time / cost / scope of potential project(s) effort, plus identify what you (the company) can do versus outsourcing based on the different valuation options.
Step 3: Get it Right, Keep It Right
Contact us to get the process started. The process for insurable values begins with a review of the Statement of Values and a quick discussion. For financial valuation related issues a discussion begins around needs or reporting requirements.